What is Online Therapy?
Linking professional services at a distance to a client. Online Intervention is a medium of therapy where the professional interacts with the family/client through a virtual platform like zoom, skype or the like.
This mode of therapy is a combined effort of both the therapist and the client. Professionals can make a huge impact on the mental health and quality of life of individuals, families and communities and help navigate difficult life situations
Online therapy can benefit a large number of people who are unable to receive the help they need in person due to the present situation. It is important to be accessible to people in their time of need without having long waiting periods or travel long distances. It meets the convenience of most people to attend sessions from the comfort of their homes. Thus, allowing more people to receive the Best of professional help they need, regardless of distance.
Prerequisites for Online Therapy:
- A desktop/ Laptop/iPad/Tablet/phone.
- Good to great broadband/internet connection. We appreciate if client can ensure that they have good connectivity prior to resuming online sessions.
- Comfortable and Quiet room with no distractions.
- It’s not necessary that the client should be seated during the complete session. Just like in an in-person session, it can be a mix of movement and seated activities
- Choosing a comfortable platform: the client and the professional can decide a comfortable virtual platform for the intervention.
Benefits of Online Therapy:
- Accessible to more individuals: Children and adults that stay outside Bangalore or India who require additional help can now get access to professional help.
- Safe Environment: With the current global pandemic traveling becomes a risk, though online therapy children and adults can now continue with their sessions in the safety of their homes.
- Flexible Timings: Individuals can schedule a session during a time that is convenient for them. This also drastically reduces travel and wait time.
- Ensures consistent therapy: Online therapy decreases the number of daily obstacles faced such as traffic jams, weather conditions etc.
- Access to the best professionals anywhere: A client can avail and connect with specialists anywhere and not just in the same city.
How can we help?
We have a team of multidisciplinary professionals who are experts in their field who work together with the aim of uplifting and improving the quality of lives of those we serve.
How can you get in touch with us?
If you would like to book a session or if you have any further queries, please contact us using the number provided below or you can mail us.
What does the process of enrolment look like?
- Book an appointment to meet the designated professional
- Fill in an intake form
- Consultation and Counselling
- Mandatory assessment to decide the targets and duration of the session
- Allotment of sessions and the specific interventions needed
- An initial report will be given
- A three-month follow up.
How do the sessions work?
Each session will be tailor-made for the specific needs and requirements of the individual; it will include a mix of one on one sessions, activities and movements similar to the in-person sessions. be briefed about the session plan as well as the resources required before each session, all the resources required will be those that are readily available at home. Each session will be tailor-made to meet your needs as well as ensuring the utmost privacy and confidentiality.
What is the duration of every session?
The duration of every session is 45 mins to an hour depending on the services provided depending on whether it’s an adult or child.
How long will the progress take?
- The progress will depend on the severity of the concern.
- The consistency of the intervention. Any kind of intervention would take at least 3 to 6 months to see a significant progress.
- Professionals advice being followed sincerely.
What do I do if I miss a session?
If a session is missed it will be compensated by another session. (same or another professional depending on the kind of intervention)